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Customer Reviews ( 2 reviews )
I love this wig. For new lace front wig wearers it can be frustrating to make the wig look natural but can be done. Before you put on your wig and if you have a lot of hair underneath as I do. You'll want to decide what kind of part you want (middle, side etc). To make it look flush, you need to make your own part, line up under the part under the wig to match the part of the Wig. Make sure your wig cap is about 2-3 inches from your own natural growing hairline. Remember these types of Wigs are geared more towards hair loss and can be worn for fashion also but you have to know what you're doing. Makeup under the lace also adds to realism and camouflages demarcation.
Thank you for your order and feedback! Looking forward your next purchase.
This is a cute wig and nice color. I am new to WigSiS, but in the three wigs I have ordered with their lace, the hair is always too SPARSE in the lace front where the part is. When I got my wig, my family really liked it, but that is the one thing that always caught their eye and prevents me from having full confidence when I wear it.
In my opinion, no matter what a person does with the lace, powders, presses, you can always see the lace if you are close to a person. For me, I am too self-conscious to have an open forehead with lace. My total wish from WigSiS is more hair in the lace front area for the most natural look. Having said all of that, I think their colors are really good and the cap was very comfortable.
In my opinion, no matter what a person does with the lace, powders, presses, you can always see the lace if you are close to a person. For me, I am too self-conscious to have an open forehead with lace. My total wish from WigSiS is more hair in the lace front area for the most natural look. Having said all of that, I think their colors are really good and the cap was very comfortable.